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COVID-19 Statement

Since YOGA LAKE GENEVA resumed live practices in June 2020, we have enacted specific protocols for its group yoga practices so that while participating in programs students were reasonably protected from exposure to Covid-19.  These protocols were based on the best information available to us (CDC and State of Wisconsin guidance) and were subject to change as updated information became available. Ultimately students and teachers have been responsible for their own safety.

With the relaxation of CDC guidance for vaccinated individuals, YOGA LAKE GENEVA has also relaxed our protocol for vaccinated students.  If you have chosen not to be vaccinated, we ask that you consider wearing a mask during our indoor practices, and while off of your mat during our outdoor practices.  Of course any student is welcome to wear a mask at any time.  

Mostly we ask everyone in our community to be respectful of each other and each others' choices.

And if you have a fever, a cough or otherwise feel unwell, or if it is possible that you have been exposed to a COVID-positive person, please remain home for the recommended quarantine period. YOGA LAKE GENEVA will welcome you back when you are well.

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